Our latest events
Open call for 2nd Cohort under Digital Danube Accelerator Program
We are excited to announce that Applications are now open for Cohort 2 of the Danube Digital Accelerator – unique international incubation programme for start-ups (or projects) with a focus on ICT innovation. 🔥
DDAccelerator 4-month program:
✅ Transnational Mentors & Networks in 9 countries,
✅ Expertise from VC, Tech Transfer, Business & Innovation Support,
✅ Strategic Industry Partnerships,
✅ Growth, Funding Expertise… and much more!
📅 Application Deadline: February 28, 2025!
Ready to take your startup to the next level? 💡 Apply and grow beyond your borders!
Pre-register today for the upcoming edition of Cluj Innovation Days 2025!
The team is preparing a brand new edition of Cluj IT’s flagship event, so stay close for fresh updates.
When? 29-30, MAY, 2025
Where? In Cluj-Napoca, Romania
By pre-registering today, you get access to the latest updates on the event agenda, invited speakers and scheduled satellite events. The conference newsletter will reach you via the email you provide in the form.
After you complete the pre-registration, the team will contact you closer to the event, when more details are available. Keep in mind that pre-registration does not guarrantee your participation in the conference.
The Cluj Innovation Days team

Apel selecție beneficiari IMM-uri
eDIH4Society are în derulare apelul de selecție pentru IMM-uri
📅 Perioada de Aplicare: începând cu 11 Martie 2024, cu date limită lunare.
Beneficiile pe care le puteți obține prin aplicare includ:
🔍 Audituri de Maturitate Digitală: Evaluări specializate pentru a defini stadiul actual al organizației dumneavoastră în ceea ce privește maturitatea digitală, oferindu-vă o perspectivă clară asupra punctelor forte și a oportunităților de îmbunătățire.
🔒 Servicii Personalizate pentru Securitate Cibernetică: Consultanță și soluții adaptate pentru a vă proteja afacerea împotriva amenințărilor cibernetice din ce în ce mai complexe și sofisticate.
🎓 Servicii de Formare Specializate: Acces la programe de formare personalizate și la resurse educaționale care să vă ajute să vă dezvoltați competențele digitale și să vă pregătiți echipa pentru provocările viitorului digital.
💶 Acces la finanțare: Consultanță pentru scrierea de proiecte în domeniul investițiilor tehnologice, digitalizării și inovației.
About us
Cluj IT is a cluster based organization formed of active organizations in the information technology field: providers of software services and solutions, universities and research institutes, public bodies and other catalyst organizations.
with over 6000 employees in the IT field
with over 85000 students
and catalyst organizations
Mission & Vision
Cluj IT Cluster envisions becoming one of the most credible suppliers from Central and Eastern Europe for innovative IT services and products as well as of organizational support systems, with the majority of its members able to be competitive on national and international markets.
Our challenge is to promote innovation in processes, design of products and services to increase competitiveness on international level, creation of a partnership culture based on trust and dependability, promotion of the Romanian IT market, founding lasting public-private partnerships for the mutual benefit of the cluster’s members and of the society in general.
Consolidating the position on the market and stimulating exports by designing innovative products and internationalization
Facilitate financing of R&D projects for technological transfer, either through private investments or private & public partnerships
Develop instruments that can support efficient processes for resource sharing amongst cluster members
Increase the number of highly skilled human resources by strengthening the collaboration with educational institutions and achieve higher rates of return for training activities
Increase the involvement of Cluj IT member companies in large international projects by expanding the network of partners
How to join
Creating a partnership culture based on trust and reliability
Promotion of the IT market in Romania
Establishing sustainable public-private partnerships
Products. Innovative IT Services & Organizational Support Systems
Busola pentru Competitivitate Europeană: un pas necesar, dar nu și suficient
31.01.2025, Cluj-Napoca Comisia Europeană a lansat în această săptămână „Busola pentru Competitivitatea Europeană”, un plan strategic menit să sprijine inovarea, investițiile și digitalizarea, pentru a consolida poziția economică a UE la nivel global. Inițiativa vine ca răspuns la faptul că...
From Standard to Specialized: How a Custom Digital Solution Drove a 40% Productivity Surge
Adopting a digital solution helps any company manage its operations more efficiently - either by reducing costs through simplified, automated processes, or by boosting productivity. However, many standard solutions on the market offer rigid functionalities based on predefined templates, which can...
AI Agents – Transforming your IT outsourcing business
Having spent over 15 years as a consultant in IT outsourcing, I’ve witnessed this industry navigate significant transformations such as the early offshoring that shifted labor costs globally, cloud computing that revolutionized data storage and access, along with digital transformation that...
Electronic Signature – A major paradigm shift in the construction sector
The construction industry, a cornerstone of economic development, is renowned for its complex processes and reliance on extensive documentation. In this context, digitalization emerges as more than a necessity: it is an opportunity to fundamentally transform how documents are managed, regardless...
A Look Back at an Amazing Year in Cluj IT Cluster
As 2024 wraps up, it’s the perfect time to take a moment and celebrate everything we’ve achieved together in the Cluj IT Cluster. This year has been all about teamwork, creativity, and pushing boundaries – and we’ve seen just how far we can go when we work side by side. It’s no secret that the...
3 common IT business strategies that fail and why
In the ever changing world of the IT industry, many businesses still rely on outdated strategies that no longer deliver results. This article explores three common business strategies that we constantly see failing within our sector. Short-term opportunity strategy Unfortunately, this is one of...
Romanian Company Law Updates: Online Participation and E-Voting in Shareholder Meetings
The Romanian Company Law no. 31/1990 has been amended through the recent Law no. 299/2024 to better align with technological developments and the evolving needs of the business landscape. Notably, a key update is enabling remote (online) attendance and electronic voting in general shareholder...
Smart, Secure, and AI-Driven Mandatory Financial Reporting Tools to ANAF: How SmartTax Is Leading the Way
In recent years, Romanian regulatory frameworks have evolved significantly to improve transparency, accuracy, and compliance in financial reporting. The introduction of electronic invoicing and standardized reporting protocols mandated by authorities has pushed companies to reconsider their...
Digital SME Alliance asserts the paramount value of SMEs in driving Europe’s digital leadership
Tuesday, December 10th, the second edition of the Digital SME Summit reunited over 600 participants to debate on how to transform Europe into a continent of digital leaders. High-level experts representing the political, business, academic and civil society environments of more than 40 EU...
The Klarwin Controlling System: Simplifying Decision-Making for Strategic Growth
The feeling of being in control; this is the why behind it. In the fast-paced and competitive business landscape, organizations face numerous challenges that require precise decision-making and continuous monitoring of performance. What is a Controlling System? A controlling system is a...
Efficient Energy Management in Industrial Applications: Energy Production, Consumption and Energy Storage
Solar Eco Systems – a short history Solar Eco Systems was founded in 2010. Our main activity is the design, installation, and configuration of projects in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy: renewable energy production systems, energy storage systems, Smart BMS energy monitoring,...
Qualify Smarter to Win Clients
In the world of IT solutions, success begins not with the sale but with the strategy. Every potential client represents both an opportunity and a challenge: how can you quickly separate real sales opportunities from just curious prospects? Studies show that 65% of sales reps lose clients due to...