Mission: to support the adaptation of digital technologies and processes for greener and more digital manufacturing companies.

DREAM is coordinated by Secured Communicating Solutions (SCS) CLUSTER France and includes Pôle MecaTech France, G.A.C. Group France , MESAP Italy and CLUJ IT Cluster Romania which are all part of the information technology field.

The main objective of DREAM will be to build resilience and accelerate the transition to the green and digital economy, to initiate, develop and maintain an EU-level long-term strategic partnership between companies (SMEs) from the digital ecosystems and the manufacturing domain.

The aim is to stimulate innovation for strategic autonomy, to build capacity in the digital ecosystem, reinforce transformation into a greener and more digital economy by deploying technologies and processes from the digital ecosystem into the manufacturing sector, to foster up- and re-skilling the workforce in this ecosystem, to boost access to global supply and value chains.

Deploying a cascade funding budget of 1,05 M EUR, the project DREAM activities include:

  • a cascade funding mechanism for innovation vouchers, to support the deployment of 35 projects from digital ecosystem into manufacturing context for a more digitalized sector, with a focus on efficient management of resources.
  • consultancy services related to internationalisation for the SMEs receiving funding
  • training for upskilling/reskilling of cluster managers.


Cluj IT Cluster stays true to its mission of creating and enabling ecosystems which allow the development of innovative solutions, software services and products with high value added that are marked through the following points: 

  • close collaboration between the cluster’s members and with external partners,
  • exchange of knowledge and ideas, 
  • public-private partnership and support of research.

Our efforts are calibrated so that they generate benefits across ecosystem organizations and has also an impact upon the society as a whole. This goal requires focused actions in identifying opportunities and resources necessary for a real impact in the real economy. Therefore, Cluj IT Cluster has joined forces and resources with international partners and is now an active member of three Eurocluster consortia, created to build resilience and accelerate digital and green transition, within a wider and complex network of 30 Euroclusters that are active in various sectors.

Through the 3 projects, more than 3 Million EUR will be available as direct financial support to innovative SMEs. We are grateful for the support offered by the European Commission and for the implementation of the updated industrial strategy, through these cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary and trans-European strategic Joint Cluster Initiatives.


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