Digital Innovation Hub (DIH4Society)

Status: ACTIVE & Developing
DIH4Society was established in 2019 by Cluj IT Cluster under the framework of a nationally funded project, as an attempt to bring under the same roof competences of IT companies and research groups focused on digital technologies, AI, data science and industry 4.0 and prepare specialized services for non-IT private and public organizations on digitization, digitalization, digital innovation and digital transformation. The initiative was soon joined by other organizations, such as the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bistrita-Nasaud, with the support of the North-West Regional Development Agency.
DIH4S is a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) that acts as a one-stop shop for helping companies and organizations to improve their competitiveness by adopting digital technologies. Our services are designed to assist companies and public organizations to innovate their business and production processes, products or services through digitalization, as well as to facilitate access to technical expertise in digital transformation and experimentation on digitalization.
More on the initiative is available here.
Cluj Innovation City

Status: INACTIVE, currently in stand-by
Cluj Innovation City is yet the most ambitious project concept that emerged in a bottom-up effort of the business community in Cluj. Nothing since its inception has matched the vision and ambition put forward by this project.
Launched in 2014, Cluj Innovation City was designed as an ambitious large-scale transformative project, aiming to profile Cluj metropolitan region as the most important innovation hub in healthcare, bioeconomy and technology in Eastern Europe, capable of generating sustainable business replicable at regional level. Cluj IT Cluster has been at the heart of the process which was soon joined by Cluj Municipality and Cluj County and all the public universities in our city.
Cluj Innovation City was acknowledged and promoted as a good example of public-private partnership on European level and has received recognition from the highest level, from decision-makers in the European Commission to national and local governments.
Although implementation of the project has been halted by reasons independent of Cluj IT Cluster, Cluj Innovation City is still a valid program, with many ideas at the forefront of metropolitan regeneration.