Project title: Green ICT DeVElopment
Status: Closed
Project Description: GIVE is a follow-up project to the Strategic Action Plan resulted from the Danube ICT project, focusing on 3 sectors of interest identified within the report: ICT, automotive and green technologies. As a COSME funded project, the specific objectives of the GIVE initiative and activities include the creation of a new value chain and a favorable framework for the establishment of a Strategic Partnership on Intelligent Ecological Technologies focusing on the automotive and transport sectors through supporting the development of a common knowledge base for internationalization and marketing in cluster managers and SME members. During implementation Cluj IT was responsible for coordination of targeted activities of promotion and data gathering (survey implementation), direct investigation (focus groups) and centralization of relevant information for the elaboration of the Market Intelligence Report, as a basis for development of the Project Internationalization Strategy. Efforts towards stimulating cross-industry collaboration among SMEs active within the three sectors are strongly supported through dissemination events incorporating two essential components: presentation of Market Intelligence Report results to members of the target group and facilitation of business meetings through matchmaking events.
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