Smart City Working Group


Paulina Mitrea

Smart City Working Group Coordinator



Involvement of the most advanced innovative technologies, in order to move to a new paradigm in terms of human life and activities, carried out in the contexts of today’s and future intelligent human ecosystems.


From the very beginning, immediately after its establishment in October 2012, the Cluj IT Cluster focused its innovative capabilities in the direction of developing Smart City urban ecosystems, based on a vision involving the most advanced IT technologies of the moment, in order to integrate on a cloud hosting architecture all IT solutions / applications / platforms meant to transform the life, activities and processes characteristic of today’s urban communities in totally harmonized, eco-efficient and citizen-centered contexts. This approach brings with it, at the same time, the facilitation of data interoperability at all levels of activity and life of the community, as well as the operation with open data and standards, meant to increase the comfort, coherence, efficiency and safety of all, while increasing transparency in the operation of urban data and the generation of information of interest for all citizens of the city.

We invite you to join our community to become part of this effort to transform cities and communities into eco-efficient entities, harmonious and fully oriented to the human values of the future.



SPECTATOR Telemedicine Platform

Digitized / Intelligent Medicine Pillar of the Smart City Ecosystem

Partners: Cluj County Emergency Clinical Hospital, Cluj IT, VideoTech SPECTATOR

 The SPECTATOR platform represents a multi-disciplinary and multi-protocol solution for a remote Medical Control Center, combining in its structure automatic alarm functionalities in situations that require emergency interventions, supervision and management / coordination / monitoring of patients with video technologies, as well as informational management based on the medical data stored in the database to which the platform is connected.

The platform is connected by wireless technologies with intelligent biosensors that measure the medical parameters of patients remotely – in the sense that they transmit remotely, directly to the Control Center of the platform, bio-medical measurements of patients, framing the measured values ​​within the limits being admitted, which is automatically checked and alarms are automatically generated in case these allowed limits are exceeded. In this way, the instantaneous initiation of guided intervention procedures is allowed through the protocols displayed automatically on one of the center’s monitoring screens. The connection to the platform is ensured from any type of mobile devices, the platform representing a premiere in the field of tele-medicine at national level.

AI methods for diagnosing and monitoring COVID 19

Partners: Cluj County Hospital, Cluj IT Cluster

The objectives of the project are to diagnose COVID 19 disease by Artificial Intelligence methods, based on the analysis of lung radiographic and / or CT images.

The approach involves two directions, namely:

–         Processing based on Convolutionary Neural Networks

–        Medical image processing by methods based on specific imaging operators, deep learning and advanced texture analysis.

Obtaining relevant results in order to identify COVID 19 disease by processing lung images with the IT tools highlighted above, is based on the characteristic features of the radiographic image and that from CT, which are specific to COVID 19 disease and identifiable by IT technologies.

The benefits obtained by developing the solution reside, on the one hand in the total non-invasive nature of the diagnosis obtained by analyzing / processing lung images, and on the other hand in immediately identifying the diagnosis, without the need for other types of clinical tests.

Standardization in the field of Smart City



Signed tripartite Protocol Ministry of Transport Infrastructure and Communications (MTIC), Romanian National Standardization Body (ASRO) & Cluj IT Cluster

Signed bilateral Protocol ASRO-Cluj IT


A relevant number of the WG Brained City members are also members of the ASRO Technical Committees, both in the Technical Committee for Smart / Sustainable Cities & Communities, and in the Sectoral Technical Committees in the fields related to the 12 pillars of Smart City ecosystems. The GL Brained City Group coordinator is also a member of the European Technical Committee for Smart Cities.

In order to accelerate and expand the adoption of international standards in the field, a series of actions and projects are initiated with a focus on completing the set of indicators for Smart City, governed by collaboration protocols with the competent entities in the field.

Smart City Training Program


Partners: Cluj IT, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

The course is meant to provide high-level knowledge, as well as specific skills, on all factors / actors involved in creating “smart city” ecosystems, being conducted in successive series, supported in all areas of development of the country, aiming to cover theoretical and practical aspects related to the development of Smart Cities, both from a technical and entrepreneurial perspective.

 Attendees will be explained and presented the concepts that underlie the development of a Smart City.

 The aspects related to the integrated approach that must be applied in the development of a Smart City are treated, with detailing of the specific technologies on all 12 levels (also called vertical or pillars) of a Smart City.

 Are presented and practiced, through concrete practical applications, the technologies of modeling processes in public administration in order to acquire knowledge related to the development of platforms designed to assist and streamline these processes, as well as those for digitizing intelligent traffic processes, medical network, education and digital and intelligent culture, smart buildings, efficient energy management, smart environment, public safety and cyber security.

 The course modules are supported by specialists from UTCN, Cluj IT, UBB and other organizational entities specialized in the field of Smart City, with consistent expertise in areas that cover the issue of smart cities / communities.

 At the end of the program, two diplomas are issued: a graduation diploma from Cluj IT and a graduation diploma from the Technical University of Cluj Napoca certified by the Ministry of National Education.

Reconfigurable Platform for “Smart City”

RIS3 Ecosystems – Feasibility Studies Stage

Partners: Cluj IT, Efect RO, Life Is Hard

The IT platform, reconfigurable for any type of city or human community of any size, it is meant to provide complete and highly complex support for the iterative implementation of the steps that are to be taken to finally acquire the features / components integrated at the level of “Brained City” – this representing the highest level targeted by the evolution of cities / communities on the ascending scale of the types / levels evolved in their development.
The “Brained City” level is considered to be the highest level that is achievable as the end of the iterative evolution of smart cities / communities, a level at which the urban ecosystem is supported by fully integrated and interoperable ICT / IoT / CPS applications in the context of the urban cloud, being able to interact autonomously both with each other (in peer to peer mode) and with the Central Brain of the IT ecosystem (City Brain), to dynamically, globally and predictively optimize the actions of ecosystem components.
The intermediate stages to be completed iteratively to achieve the level of Brained City / Community, are reached as you go up an upward spiral in the evolution of smart cities / communities.

AI-assisted platform and intelligent biosensors for multi-level medical management in hyperglycemic diseases

Partners: Cluj County Hospital,  Cluj IT, Life Is Hard, Software ITC

Developed for the Digital City Ecosystem’s Digitized / Intelligent Medicine Pillar, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assisted Platform has the potential to transform DP (diabetic patient) care and streamline the costs associated with caring for these people through rapid and advanced analysis of individual data and personalization of treatment plan and investigations, both through MedicalTeam and DP interactions of face-to-face type (conventional consultations), and through telemedicine.

The development of the platform will ensure remote access of patients to information tailored to their needs and understanding, and will support the rapid achievement of glycemic control by personalized adjustment of treatment and reducing the need to interact with medical staff specializing in diabetes (important in areas with limited access to specialist consultations). The possibility of digitizing care at the onset of acute situations, providing support in the decision to access emergency services and the alternative of connecting to telemedicine services, improve the costs associated with the care of hyperglycemia that do not meet the emergency criteria. In the long term, digitization and personalization of PcD care can help increase adherence to treatment, reduce the risk of chronic complications of diabetes, increase health and life expectancy, and have a major impact on the costs of care. Prescription databases and cost-utility and cost-effectiveness pharmacoeconomic analysis performed in the local population will allow better resource planning and optimal allocation of these resources to cost-effective therapies, as well as real-time costing, direct with medication (expenditure barometer) that will be accessible to the funders of the National Diabetes Program.

Smart City Alba Iulia 2018


In the context of the Alba Iulia Smart City 2018 Project dedicated to the celebration through technology of the Great Union of Romanian Provinces, the Cluj IT Cluster will involve over 40 Smart City solutions provided by members of the “Brained City” Group of the Cluj IT Cluster, these solutions providing services for all 12 pillars of the IT ecosystem of the Smart City.

The extent of the involvement of the members of WG Brained City of ClujIT in the Alba Iulia Smart City 2018 project, positions Cluj IT as the largest provider of Smart City solutions from the pleiad of Alba Iulia City Hall partners in this project.

Smart City Strategy of Alba-Iulia Municipality

2020-2027 (ongoing)

Through the complexity and completeness of the intervention areas approached through the project- detailed on 11 main pillars, are targeted explicitly and as a priority – through the very elaboration of the strategy, both technological innovation (in order to underlie the continuous / sustainable evolution of the urban ecosystem Alba Iulia), as well as intelligent traffic / transportation, energy efficiency, continuous increase of the quality of life of citizens, workers and enterprises through increased transparency, e-democracy and active participation in the decision-making process, by virtue of the generic principles of human and European civilization. .

The elaborated strategy pursues and guarantees as a concrete general result, the realization of the Smart City Alba-Iulia as a source / sum of quality public services oriented to the citizen’s well-being, all projects undertaken by the administration will be citizen-centered, with direct results in high living standards. and operational for citizens and businesses, new employment opportunities in an innovative entrepreneurial context, with increased ecological sustainability.

Digitization of operations monitoring for the Cluj-Napoca Integrated Waste Management Center

(2020 – ongoing)

Partners: Cluj County Council and Cluj IT

The project aims to create the Cluj Napoca Integrated Waste Management Center, in order to monitor and manage in an integrated manner: landfills, sorting stations, public collection platform and related services.

As addressing the smart environment pillar of the smart city ecosystem, the modernization aspects aim at substantiating the specifications regarding: sensors, local automation and local hardware architecture for data acquisition, data transfer in the cloud, data transfer from the cloud to the local database, data analytics, risk analysis and preventive actions to increase the robustness of the system to intentional or unintentional actions to make monitoring vulnerable.

Next generation

Brained City


Cluj-Napoca: Next Generation Brained City is a project financed by the Sectoral Operational Program Increasing Economic Competitiveness. Being the first Smart City project implemented at national level, it aimed to generate a space based on the innovative concept of ecological and fully computerized urban community, established under the paradigm “interconnected ecological city”. More specifically, 4 software platforms and 12 design projects were developed in accordance with the project objectives, in collaboration with the cluster members. The resulting activities and involvement in the strategic area of ​​smart city development include collaborations with local authorities in cities such as Oradea, Alba-Iulia and Cluj-Napoca, as well as the Cluj County Council, in order to develop computer strategies.

Informatization Strategy of Oradea Municipality

(2016 – 2017)

The project focuses on the development of an integrated computerization strategy for Oradea City, as a natural step in the modern urban development goal, which leads to: (1) A well developed local IT sector that generates innovation, solutions and quality products to support an optimal urban ecosystem,  a strong catalyst for this evolution being to ensure the access of local IT providers to the opportunity to directly contribute, through the services provided, to the development of the Smart City urban ecosystem (2) Efficient institutional infrastructure to ensure quality public services, to induce an increased degree of satisfaction for all those interacting with public institutions and an increased quality of life, especially in the fields of health, public transportation and public utilities (3) An attractive tourist destination, including a high level of accessibility to the use of infrastructure, cultural & historical space/time navigation and information (4) Efficiency in attracting and using European investment funds to ensure and support long-term development.

Strategy of the Cluj County Council


Through a daring, visionary and unique approach in the Romanian administration, the project positions the Cluj County Council as a pioneer and promoter of an efficient approach to administrative processes and citizen service activities, focusing on increasing the quality of public service by reducing effort. and the time required to obtain an administrative act.

At the level of approaching the specific issue, in the context of the project a detailed audit and  SWOT analysis of the existing IT system was performed, followed by modeling the integrated computerization architecture including data models, in order to achieve their interoperability at all departments / sectors of activity and interactions of the County Council. As a concrete result, those critical projects and flagship projects were defined and detailed, which are to implement the strategy, in a staged manner over time according to a multicriteria analysis.

