Cluj Innovation Days
Over the course of the conference people and organizations from various walks of life, from public sector to business, academia, entrepreneurial and startup environments, from Romania and abroad, will be gathering in Cluj-Napoca to discuss innovation and cutting edge industry trends.
More on the conference at –

Cluj Innovation Days 2023. Tech nation|Building a brighter future for Romania through technology
This year Cluj IT Cluster is organizing the 11th edition of its flagship event: Cluj Innovation Days, a national benchmark initiative focused on innovation, specifically how it contributes to the creation and development of resilient and sustainable business ecosystems.
Cluj Innovation Days 2023 took place between the 24th and 26th of May, during which organizers prepared three full days of activities dedicated to the impact generated by digital transformation in various areas of activity, as well as different aspects of innovation by addressing topics such as locally developed innovative products and solutions, artificial intelligence niches or innovation in the health sector.
May 25th also marked the official launch of the Digital Innovation Hub for a Smart Safe and Sustainable Society (DIH4Society), the one stop shop for digital transformation within the North-West region of Romania. Spearheaded by Cluj IT Cluster, along with partners: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bistrita-Nasaud and the University of Oradea, the hub will distribute close to 4 million euro during the next 3 years as digital transformation services for SMEs in the production sector, for public institutions and for organizations in the health care sector.
Andrei Kelemen, Cluj IT’s CEO, had this to say: “I am thrilled that we are at this point where we can really build scale in what Cluj IT and its partners are doing. DIH4Society will have an important impact on the regional level by helping companies and public organizations to transition towards modern and resilient models. While we acknowledge that the Romanian economy and society are not at the forefront of the European landscape, we see this as an opportunity to grow quickly and catch up with other EU countries in what regards digitalization and digital transformation.”
Among those who attended the 11th edition of the conference we include:
- Dragos Vlad, President of the Authority for Digitalization in Romania
- H.E. Hiroshi Ueda, Ambassador of Japan in Romania
- Ramona Samson, Team Leader Strategy at the European Commission
- Professor Andreas Bender, University of Cambridge
- Raman Ganguly, University of Vienna.
Cluj Innovation Days 2022. The Power of 1|0
Be present for the future!
Over the years
From year to year
CID turned 10 years in 2022!
Our ambition
New opportunities
Cluj Innovation Days 2021
The European Green Deal has the ambition to make the EU’s economy sustainable. This is an evermore challenging promise when we are all navigating a global pandemic with an anticipated ending in sight, but still marred with uncertainty. Future generations, born and unborn, are depending on the decisions that we make right now. The responsibility to correct, improve and create new paths for the way we conduct our businesses, organizations and nations lies principally with the decision makers.
The European Union, with all its institutions, and together with the Member States are committing significant resources and are putting forward plans to make post-COVID-19 Europe a greener, more digital, more resilient and better fit for the current and forthcoming challenges continent. A number of important programs are being set up to support this objective: Horizon Europe, Digital Europe, the Recovery Plan for Europe and many national, regional and local initiatives in the same line are among these.
The European economy relies to great extent on the strength of its estimated 25 million SMEs. Green and digital transformation cannot be achieved without the consistent engagement of SMEs across the EU. This edition of Cluj Innovation Days puts the SMEs perspective on the agenda of decision makers, with the intent to shed more light on their concerns, but also on the existing and upcoming opportunities.
During the three days of the event we will be looking at some very practical issues about how technology can contribute to the Green Deal program. As an organization concerned with all these issues Cluj IT Cluster is determined to move forward and promote green transformation as a priority for public, private and personal agendas.

Cluj Innovation Days 2020
In the fall of 2019 we started preparations for Cluj Innovation Days 2020. As with the previous editions, first step was to decide upon the main topics we would like to address next year in our annual conference. We started with a short rationale and discussion in our Board of Directors (11 people from the industry and academia) to conclude by October 2019 that we should build our event on two main topics that we considered crucial for our communities: Future of Work and Resilience. Next decision was to set the dates: 21-23 May 2020. Then we started preparations: engaging with potential speakers, identifying partners, signing agreements and precontracts with suppliers of various services – the whole package for an event which usually brings together 300 participants over the two or three days of the conference. By mid March 2020 we knew that our initial plans and efforts were not in line with the new reality. The outbreak of COVID-19 determined us to first, postpone the event, and second, to move it entirely online. In the same time, made us realize that what we proposed as main topics before the pandemic is even more relevant in the new context.
So here we are, two months before the event, advancing with the preparations for a first experience of the kind. We have good people and communities helping us out and we are confident we will be able to offer a remarkable experience to all those participating, attendees, speakers and partners alike. In particular, we invite representative of companies, from all sectors of the economy, to join us and explore together, in lively debates guided by experts in their fields, the options we have, both as individuals or organizations, to stay relevant, become more productive while also enjoying a better life.
Join us on October 12th through October 14th for the 8th edition of Cluj Innovation Days, an event by Cluj IT Cluster, graciously co-organized together with Universitatea Babes-Bolyai and Activize. Let’s look together at what the future holds for us and try to shape our destiny beyond this crisis! Come and make your voice heard in shaping the future of work! Come and learn about future skills, new working environments and new opportunities!