Ca urmare a seriei de evenimente organizate la nivel european prin consortiul SLA-Ready, avand ca scop informarea consumatorilor serviciilor de tip cloud asupra acordurilor la nivel de serviciu, Cluj IT Cluster va fi prezent pe data de 15 decembrie la evenimentul SLA-Ready Impact Workshop organizat in Bruxelles. Dl. Andrei Kelemen, in calitate de Director Executiv al Clusterului, va fi membru al unui panel de discutii dedicat analizei impactului proiectului SLA-Ready asupra nivelului de incredere si transparenta dezvoltat in ecosistemul european al serviciilor de tip cloud, un subiect de importanta maxima pentru viitorul entitatilor economice, in special IMM-uri.
As a result of the series of events organized at European level through the SLA-Ready consortium, aimed at informing consumers of cloud services about service level agreements, Cluj IT Cluster will be present on December 15th at the SLA-Ready Impact Workshop organized in Brussels. Mr. Andrei Kelemen, as Executive Director of Cluj IT Cluster, will participate within a panel discussion dedicated to the analysis of the SLA-Ready project impact on levels of trust and transparency within the European ecosystem of service level agreements, a subject of maximum relevance for the future of economic entities, especially SMEs.